Dec 09
Lower order tensors in non-Kaehler geometry and non-Kaehler geometric flow
Speaker(s): DAI Song, Peking University
Dec 02
Symplectic mean curvature flow in $CP^2$
Speaker(s): Dr. liuqing YANG (BICMR)
Dec 02
Three Circles Theorems for harmonic functions
Speaker(s): Dr. XU Guoyi, Tsinghua University
Dec 01
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
The Third Advanced Seminar on Symplectic Geometry and Topological Field Theory
Speaker(s): Jun Li (Stanford University), Wei-Ping Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Huai-Liang Chang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Nov 25
Regarding 0th order estimate of the general Kahler-Ricci flow
Speaker(s): Dr. ZHANG Zhou, University of Sydney
Nov 25
Some conformal invariants on conformally compact Einstein manifolds
Speaker(s): Dr. Gang Li (BICMR)
Nov 18
Speaker(s): Dr. Evgeny Mayanskiy(BICMR)
Nov 18
Uniqueness of the bowl soliton
Speaker(s): YANG Liuqing, Peking University
Nov 18
Representation Theory and Quantum Math
Tensor operators for Lie algebras and their applications for representaions of Lie superalgebras
Speaker(s): Zhao Yufeng
Nov 06
Representation Theory and Quantum Math
Integral forms in tensor powers of Virasoro vertex operator algebras
Speaker(s): Robert McRae
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