Sep 05
K-stability vs CM-stability --- K-stability and Kahler-Einstein metrics (VII)
Speaker(s): Professor Gang Tian, BICMR and Princeton Univ.
Jul 21
Convergence Rates in Almost-Periodic Homogenization
Speaker(s): Professor Zhongwei Shen
Jul 21
Compact moduli spaces of weighted hyperplane arrangements
Speaker(s): Valery Alexeev (University of Georgia)
Jul 09
Computer Perception with Deep Learning
Speaker(s): Yann LeCun, Facebook AI Research and Center for Data Science, New York University
Jul 08
Distribution of Prime Numbers and the Riemann Zeta Function I, II, III
Speaker(s): Prof. Yitang Zhang, University of New Hampshire
Jul 04
Stochastic Methods for Convex Optimization with "Difficult" Constraints
Speaker(s): Mengdi Wang, Assistant Professor of Operations Research, Princeton University
Jun 24
Algorithmic Trading and Machine Learning
Speaker(s): Michael Kearns, Professor in the Computer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania
Jun 24
Spaces of Shapes: Creating Moduli Spaces of Chemical Compounds for Drug Discovery
Speaker(s): Anthony Bak, Stanford University and Ayasdi Co. Ltd.
Jun 16
Persistent homology: the shape of data
Speaker(s): Mikael Vejdemo Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Jun 16
Numerical Solutions from Highly Oscillatory Integrals to Highly Oscillatory PDEs
Speaker(s): Prof.Qin Sheng, Department of Mathematics and Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research Baylor University
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