Dynamical Systems
Feb 26
Cantor Sets in Higher Dimensions
Speaker(s): Meysam Nassiri (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences)
Feb 11
Geometry of polynomial shift locus and the space of trees
Speaker(s): Yan Mary He (Oklahoma University, USA)
Feb 11
A priori bounds for some near-parabolic primitive combinatorics
Speaker(s): Alex Kapiamba (Harvard University, USA)
Jan 04
Closed Geodesics in Dilation Surfaces
Speaker(s): Guillaume Tahar (BIMSA)
Dec 23
Spectrum and Lifshitz Tails for the Anderson Model on the Sierpinski Gasket Graph
Speaker(s): Shiwen Zhang (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
Dec 15
Harmonic Measure for Expanding Dynamics - A Sullivan's Dictionary Perspective
Speaker(s): Ruicen Qiu (Peking University)
Dec 12
Additive Processes On the Real Line and Loewner
Speaker(s): Takuya Murayama (Kyushu University, Japan)
Dec 12
Polynomial Curve Systems Are Exponentially Decaying
Speaker(s): Gaofei Zhang (Nanjing University, China)
Nov 14
Elliptic and Quasiregularly Elliptic Manifolds
Speaker(s): Fedor Manin (University of Toronto, Canada)
Nov 14
Expansivity of Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems
Speaker(s): Dylan Thurson (Indiana University, Bloomington)
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