Geometric Analysis
Dec 30
The J-equation on toric manifolds
Speaker(s): YAO Yi, Nanjing University
Dec 17
Some recent progress on sharp constants for Moser-Trudinger and Adams inequalities
Speaker(s): Guozhen Lu, Wayne State University
Dec 09
Lower order tensors in non-Kaehler geometry and non-Kaehler geometric flow
Speaker(s): DAI Song, Peking University
Dec 02
Three Circles Theorems for harmonic functions
Speaker(s): Dr. XU Guoyi, Tsinghua University
Nov 25
Regarding 0th order estimate of the general Kahler-Ricci flow
Speaker(s): Dr. ZHANG Zhou, University of Sydney
Nov 18
Uniqueness of the bowl soliton
Speaker(s): YANG Liuqing, Peking University
Nov 04
On the eigenvalue estimate of the \bar{\partial}-Laplacian and the Dolbeault cohomology groups
Speaker(s): Wang Zhiwei, Peking University
Oct 28
A gap theorem and curvature estimate on conformally compact Einstein manifolds
Speaker(s): Li Gang, Peking University
Oct 21
C^{2,alpha} estimates for some nonlinear elliptic equations of second order in geometry
Speaker(s): CHU Jianchun, Peking University
Oct 13
K-polystability of Q-Fano varieties admitting Kahler-Einstein metrics
Speaker(s): Dr ZHOU Bin, Peking University
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