Jun 15
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Neumann problem and Witten deformation for isolated singularities
Speaker(s): Wen Hao (Peking University)
Jun 12
Kähler currents and the formation of singularities of geometric PDEs
Speaker(s): Valentino Tosatti, Northwestern University
Jun 08
a mini-course on Berkovich Spaces
Speaker(s): Morgan Brown (University of Michigan)
Jun 02
Energy scattering for the 3D Zakharov system with radial symmetry
Speaker(s): Dr. Shuxia Wang (BICMR)
May 27
A composite risk measure framework for decision making under uncertainty
Speaker(s): Prof. Zizhuo Wang, University of Minnesota
May 26
Discontinuous Galerkin method for fractional convection-diffusion equations
Speaker(s): Dr. Qinwu Xu (School of Mathematical Science, PKU)
May 25
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Speaker(s): Hailong He (NanJing Normal University)
May 25
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Pixton's formula for the double ramification cycle
Speaker(s): Emily Clader (ETH) and Felix Janda (ETH)
May 19
Entropy in differential dynamical systems
Speaker(s): Dr. Gang Liao (School of Mathematical Science, PKU)
May 18
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
The Fourth Advanced Seminar in Symplectic Geometry and Topological Field Theory
Speaker(s): Kentaro Hori (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo) & Yongbin Ruan (University of Michigan and Peking University)
- Conference
- Mini-Course
- Colloquium
- Seminars
- Algebra
- Analysis Research Interaction Team
- Algebraic Geometry
- Applied & Computational Math
- Bio-Math Seminar
- Biostatistics
- Computational Method
- Dynamical Systems
- Eastern Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics
- Geometric Analysis
- Logic
- Mathematical Imaging Science
- Number Theory
- Operations Research
- PDE/Analysis
- Postdoc Seminar
- Probability and Stochastic Process
- Representation Theory and Quantum Math
- Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Topology
- Others
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- Special Events