Geometric Analysis
Nov 01
Min-Max Widths of the Unit 3-Sphere and a Strong Multiplicity One Theorem
Speaker(s): Yangyang Li (The University of Chicago)
Oct 25
Formal Structure of Scalar Curvature in Generalized Kahler Geometry
Speaker(s): Jeffrey Streets (University of California, Irvine)
Oct 11
Speaker(s): Otis Chodosh (Stanford University)
Sep 27
ADM Mass for $C^0$ Metrics and Distortion under Ricci-DeTurck Flow
Speaker(s): Paula Burkhardt-Guim (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Sep 20
Free Boundary Problems in Optimal Transportation
Speaker(s): Jiakun Liu (University of Wollongong)
Sep 13
Potential Theory and Conformal Geometry
Speaker(s): Shiguang Ma (Nankai University)
Jun 21
Uniform Convergence of Metrics of Alexandria Surfaces with Bounded Integral Curvature
Speaker(s): Jingyi Chen (The University of British Columbia)
Jun 17
Speaker(s): Jie He(Beijing University of Chemical technology)
Jun 14
Pointwise Regularity for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations in General Forms
Speaker(s): Yuanyuan Lian (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Jun 01
Yamabe invariants of asymptotical Poincaré-Einstein manifolds and its conformal boundary
Speaker(s): Zhixin Wang(Michigan State University)
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