May 31
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Thick-thin decomposition of Floer trajectories and adiabatic gluing
Speaker(s): Prof. Zhu Ke,University of Minnesota
May 25
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Givental's quantization method and integrable hierarchies
Speaker(s): Prof. Liu Siqi (刘思齐), Tsinghua University
May 23
The proof of Willmore conjecture after Marques and Neves
Speaker(s): Prof. Vicente Miquel(Valencia University, Spain)
May 22
On the recent proof of the Willmore problem (II)
Speaker(s): Zhou Xin(Stanford University)
May 18
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Givental's quantization method and integrable hierarchies
Speaker(s): Prof. Liu Siqi (刘思齐), Tsinghua University
May 17
The Limiting Spectrum of Random Inner-product Kernel Matrices
Speaker(s): Xiuyuan Cheng, Princeton University
May 17
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Derived and modular resolutions of the Stable map moduli and applications
Speaker(s): Prof. Hu Yi, University of Arizona
May 16
A viscosity equation for the isoperimetric profile on surfaces
Speaker(s): Paul Bryan(The Australian National University)
May 15
On the recent proof of the Willmore problem (I)
Speaker(s): Zhou Xin(Stanford University)
May 14
Global existence and blow-up for the quasilinear wave equations
Speaker(s): Zhifei Zhang (Peking University)
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