Jun 13
On the regularity theory for Monge-Ampere equations: the level set approach
Speaker(s): Jingang Xiong (BICMR)
Jun 06
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
From One-Matrix Models to Holomorphic Maps with three branch points
Speaker(s): Dr. Gehao Wang (Peking University)
May 30
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
A higher dimensional Donaldson Theory for foliated manifolds
Speaker(s): Prof. Shuguang Wang, University of Missouri
May 27
Strong cosmic censorship in T^3-Gowdy spacetimes
Speaker(s): Weiping Yan(BICMR, PKU)
May 23
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
W-constraints and genus zero Virasoro-like constraints for Frobenius manifolds
Speaker(s): Dr. Yang Di (Tsinghua University)
May 23
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Quantum McKay correspondence via gauged linear sigma model
Speaker(s): Dr. Ke Huazhong (Tsinghua University)
May 21
Partial $C^0$ Estimate for Kahler Einstein metrics with cone angle approaches $2\pi$
Speaker(s): Yiyan Xu (Peking University)
May 20
An example of a weakly hyperbolic Cauchy problem not well posed in C∞
Speaker(s): 沈伟明 (BICMR, PKU)
May 16
Speaker(s): 李克正 (首都师范大学)
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