Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
May 01
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
An introduction to SUSY quantum field theory
Speaker(s): 范辉军 教授(北京大学)
Apr 17
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
An introduction to supersymmetric quantum field theory
Speaker(s): 范辉军 教授(北京大学)
Dec 25
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]New recursion relations of the local Gromov-Witten invariants
Speaker(s): Prof. Zhou Jian, Math. Dept of Tsinghua University
Dec 22
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Mirror symmetry between Toric Landau-Ginzburg models II
Speaker(s): Wang Feng
Dec 08
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Symmetries of Lagrangian fibrations (2)
Speaker(s): 王嵬
Dec 01
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Symmetries of Lagrangian fibrations (1)
Speaker(s): 王嵬
Nov 24
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Geometry of the singularities
Speaker(s): Fan Huijun
Nov 17
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Supersymmetric computation
Speaker(s): Wang Liang
Nov 10
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Derived category in Mirror symmetry
Speaker(s): 北京国际数学研究中心
Oct 20
Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
[辛几何研讨班]Homological Mirror Symmetry of Singularities
Speaker(s): 北京国际数学研究中心
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