Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Feb 23

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Closed orbits in nonlinear Hamiltonian systems

Speaker(s): Prof. Wang Wei


Feb 22

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Geometry of moment map

Speaker(s): Alberto Della Vedova (Princeton University and BICMR)


Jan 05

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Eigenfunctions on a Riemannian manifold and representations of a vertex operator algebra

Speaker(s): Professor Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers University and Peking University)


Dec 22

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Crepant resolution conjecture for the Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces

Speaker(s): ProfessorWei-Ping Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


Dec 08

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Quantum Tunneling and Khovanov Homology

Speaker(s): Professor Sen Hu (University of Science and Technology of China)


Dec 02

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Duality for Toric Landau-Ginzburg Models

Speaker(s): Jiang Qingyuan (Peking University)


Dec 01

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Open Virtual Structure Constants and Mirror Computation of Open Gromov-Witten Invariants of Projecti...

Speaker(s): Professor Masao Jinzenji (Hokkaido University, Japan)


Nov 29

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Quantum Field Theory: A Mathmatical Primer (Part 4)

Speaker(s): Professor Jian Zhou (Tsinghua University)


Nov 25

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Gromov-Witten Classes,Quantum cohomology,and Enumerative Geometry (part 3)

Speaker(s): Xin Wang (Peking University)


Nov 22

Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics

tt^*geometry and special complex geometry

Speaker(s): Dr. Sanae Kurosu (Tokyo University of Science)