Number Theory
Jun 24
Mod p Bernstein Centres of p-adic Groups
Speaker(s): Andrea Dotto (University of Chicago)
Jun 17
Prehomogeneous Zeta Functions and Toric Periods for Inner Forms of GL(2)
Speaker(s): Miyu Suzuki (Kanazawa University)
Jun 10
p-adic Family of Modular Forms on GSpin Shimura Varieties
Speaker(s): Xiaoyu Zhang (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Jun 03
Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Local Systems
Speaker(s): Linhui Shen (Michigan State University)
May 27
The Tate Conjecture for a Concrete Family of Elliptic Surfaces
Speaker(s): Xiyuan Wang (Johns Hopkins University)
May 20
Hurwitz Trees and Deformations of Artin-Schreier Covers
Speaker(s): Huy Dang (University of Virginia)
May 13
Symmetric Power Functoriality for Modular Forms
Speaker(s): James Newton (King's College London)
May 06
Applications of Néron blowups to integral models of moduli stacks of shtukas
Speaker(s): Timo Richarz (TU Darmstadt)
May 06
Dilatations and Néron blowups (with Timo Richarz and Matthieu Romagny)
Speaker(s): Arnaud Mayeux (BICMR)
Jan 15
How do I (not) understand Ivan's local space construction of loop Grassmannian
Speaker(s): Zhijie DONG (Harbin Insitute of Technology)
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