From Modular Forms to Shimura Varieties: an Introduction
主讲人: Liang Xiao (BICMR)
活动时间: 从 2021-07-26 09:30 到 2021-07-30 16:45
场地: Lecture Hall, Jiayibing Building, Jingchunyuan 82, BICMR
上午9:00-11:00:507 7413 6569
下午1:30-3:30:919 6300 9683
The purpose of this week-long program is to discuss basics of Shimura varieties, starting from more familiar concepts such as modular forms and modular curves, passing through their automorphic interpretations, to the concept of Shimura varieties. The program will consist of ten lectures, each accompanied with a set of exercises for discussion and for the students to better absorb the new material.
Registration Information
Registration is closed. Due to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, not all applicants will be admitted. We will send email notice to all teachers and students who can participate in offline meetings. Teachers or students who are unable to attend offline summer schools can also choose to attend online classes.
Accommodation and Travel Information
BICMR will accommodate all participants in FX Hotel Zhong Guan Cun which is located at Zhong Guan Cun, known as the “Silicon Valley” in China. By default, rooms have been booked for the arrival on July 25 and departure on July 31. If you plan to have an extended stay, please inform Ms. Meng Yu ( so that we can make proper arrangements.
Hotel Address: FuYi Xpress Hotel
No.68 West Road of North Fourth Ring, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China.
Tel: (8610) 58986688 \(8610)83816722
Some nearby hotels are avaible here:
The lunch will be provided for all participants by BICMR.
All participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
Organizing Committee
Liang Xiao (BICMR)
Yiwen Ding (BICMR)
Talks on Tuesday and Thursday: