Geometric Analysis
Dec 02
Three Circles Theorems for harmonic functions
主讲人 : Dr. XU Guoyi, Tsinghua University
Nov 25
Regarding 0th order estimate of the general Kahler-Ricci flow
主讲人 : Dr. ZHANG Zhou, University of Sydney
Nov 18
Uniqueness of the bowl soliton
主讲人 : YANG Liuqing, Peking University
Nov 04
On the eigenvalue estimate of the \bar{\partial}-Laplacian and the Dolbeault cohomology groups
主讲人 : Wang Zhiwei, Peking University
Oct 28
A gap theorem and curvature estimate on conformally compact Einstein manifolds
主讲人 : Li Gang, Peking University
Oct 21
C^{2,alpha} estimates for some nonlinear elliptic equations of second order in geometry
主讲人 : CHU Jianchun, Peking University
Oct 13
K-polystability of Q-Fano varieties admitting Kahler-Einstein metrics
主讲人 : Dr ZHOU Bin, Peking University
Sep 30
A compact result for Fano manifolds and Kahler Ricci flows
主讲人 : Dr Xiao Fang, Peking University
Sep 23
Interior regularity of the complex monge-ampere equation in convex domains
主讲人 : Dr. Liding Huang, Peking University
Sep 16
Convexity of the k-energy on the space of kahler metrics
主讲人 : Dr. Xiao Jiang, Peking University
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- Algebra
- Analysis Research Interaction Team
- Algebraic Geometry
- Applied & Computational Math
- Bio-Math Seminar
- Biostatistics
- Computational Method
- Dynamical Systems
- Eastern Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics
- Geometric Analysis
- Logic
- Mathematical Imaging Science
- Number Theory
- Operations Research
- PDE/Analysis
- Postdoc Seminar
- Probability and Stochastic Process
- Representation Theory and Quantum Math
- Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Topology
- Others
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