Apr 23
Beijng Geometry and Physics Colloquium VIII
主讲人 : Young-Hoon Kiem(Seoul National University); Jinwon Choi(Sookmyung Women's University)
Apr 20
Apr 17
Radiation Fields and Hyperbolic Scattering Theory
主讲人 : Wang Fang (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Jan 18
Beijng Geometry and Physics Colloquium VII
主讲人 : Yuri Berest (Cornell University); Xiaojun Chen (Sichuan University);Farkhod Eshmatov (Sichuan University); Shanzhong Sun (Capital Normal Univerisity)
Dec 12
2015 Workshop on stochastic processes and its applications in physics and biology
主讲人 : Zhenqing Chen et al.
Nov 21
Beijing Algebraic Geometry Colloquium
主讲人 : Kento Fujita (Kyoto University), Yoshinori Gongyo (University of Tokyo), Shenghao Sun (Yau Mathematical Sciences Center) and Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène (Université Paris-Sud)
Nov 09
The Workshop on 6D Gauged Theory and Invariants of 4-manifolds on Nov 9-13
主讲人 : Abhijit Gadde, Bohui Chen, Hiraku Nakajima, Jun Li, Lev Borisov, Pavel Putrov, Sergei Gukov, Weiping Li
- 会议
- 短期课程
- 综合报告
- 讨论班
- Algebra
- Analysis Research Interaction Team
- Algebraic Geometry
- Applied & Computational Math
- Bio-Math Seminar
- Biostatistics
- Computational Method
- Dynamical Systems
- Eastern Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics
- Geometric Analysis
- Logic
- Mathematical Imaging Science
- Number Theory
- Operations Research
- PDE/Analysis
- Postdoc Seminar
- Probability and Stochastic Process
- Representation Theory and Quantum Math
- Symplectic Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Topology
- Others
- 访问项目
- 特别学术活动