Birational geometry of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces
Time: 2021-12-27
Published By: Yu Feng
Speaker(s): Fei Si(BICMR)
Time: 10:00-11:30 December 31, 2021
Venue: Room 29, Quan Zhai, BICMR
In the past few decades, compactifying the moduli spaces of projective K3 surfaces has attracted a lot attentions from several perspectives including Hodge theory, birational geometry, K¨ahler-Einstein geometry and mirror symmetry. It turns out we have the Baily-Borel compactification, Koll´ar-Shepherd-BarronAlexeev (KSBA) compactification, K-stability compactification etc. It is a natural question to ask what is the relation of these compactifications of different flavors. In this talk, we will explain how the Hassett-Keel-Looijenga (HKL) program try to put these compactifications into the framework of wall-crossing. This is based on joint work with Greer-Laza-Li-Tian.