On blowing up extremal Kähler manifolds
Speaker(s): Alberto Della Vedova(Princeton University and BICMR)
Time: 00:00-00:00 May 11, 2012
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai(全斋), New location for BICMR, Peking University
Title: On blowing up extremal Kähler manifolds
Time: May 11, 2012, Friday, 10:10-12:00am
Speaker: Alberto Della Vedova(Princeton University and BICMR)
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai(全斋), New location for BICMR, Peking University
Abstract: We will review a paper of G. Szekelyhidi on the existence of extremal Kähler metrics on the blow up of an extremal Kähler manifold at a bunch of points. We will recall relevant GIT facts and we will sketch the proof of the main results. We will also discuss some applications to the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture.