Rotational Symmetry of Self-Similar Solution to the Ricci Flow
Time: 2012-02-28
Published By:
Speaker(s): 许奕彦(北京大学)
Time: 00:00-00:00 February 28, 2012
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai(全斋), New location for BICMR, Peking University
Title: Rotational Symmetry of Self-Similar Solution to the Ricci Flow.
Speaker: 许奕彦(北京大学)
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai(全斋), New location for BICMR, Peking University
Time: February 28, 2012, Tuesday, 2:00-4:00pm
Abstract: We will present S.Brendle's preprint on the uniqueness of the Bryant soliton. This gives a positive answer to Perelman's claim on three dimensional k - noncollapsed ancient solution.