Homogeneous complex Monge-Ampere equation over Grauert tube for Szoke's spheres
Speaker(s): Prof. Zhou Zhang(The University of Sydney)
Time: 00:00-00:00 August 23, 2011
Venue: Room 1328 at BICMR, Resource Plaza, Peking University
Title: Homogeneous complex Monge-Ampere equation over Grauert tube for Szoke's spheres
Speaker: Prof. Zhou Zhang(The University of Sydney)
Time: Aug 23, Tuesday, 2011,10:00-11:00am
Venue: Room 1328 at BICMR, Resource Plaza, Peking University
Abstract: Homogeneous complex Monge-Ampere equation (HCMA in short) is closely related to the problem of complexifying a real analytic manifold, with the resulting object called the Grauert tube. Szoke's spheres are classic examples of manifolds with infinite Grauert tube radius. We analyse the growth rate for the solutions of HCMA over such tubes. This belongs to the effort for the joint project with Prof. Daniel Burns, with one goal to justify the algebraicity of such Grauert tubes for general manifolds.