Smooth approximations for CMC hypersurfaces with isolated singularities
Speaker(s): Konstantinos Leskas (University of Athens)
Time: 16:00-17:00 March 26, 2025
Venue: Online
Abstract: In this talk we consider a constant mean curvature (CMC) hypersurface in R^8, with an isolated singularity, that minimizes the
prescribed mean curvature functional. We show that in a ball centered at the singularity there exist a sequence of smooth CMC hypersurfaces
thatconverges to the initial one. The proof relies on the Hardt-Simon foliation for area minimizing cones in R^8. The result extends the
Hardt-Simon smooth approximation theorem, established for area minimizers.
Brief biography:Konstantinos Leskas is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Athens. He obtained his PhD in 2023 under
the supervision of Costante Bellettini. His research focuses on geometric measure theory andgeometric analysis.
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