Asymptotics of Higgs bundles in Hitchin Components
Speaker(s): LI Qiongling, Caltech (US) and Aarhus (Denmark)
Time: 00:00-00:00 June 16, 2015
Venue: Room 29 at Quan Zhai, BICMR
Abstract: Let $S$ be a closed surface of genus $g>=2$. Hitchin component for $SL(n,R)$ is the component in the space of surface group representations into $SL(n,R)$ which can deform to Fuchsian locus, i.e. a copy of Teichmuller space (the space of isotopy classes of hyperbolic structures on $S$). Fix a Riemann surface structure on $S$. the Hitchin component is in correspondence with the moduli space of $SL(n,R)$-Higgs bundles over the Riemann surface. I will first explain basics of Higgs bundles, Hitchin component, and then introduce recent work with Brian Collier on asymptotic behaviors of families in Hitchin component in terms of certain families of Higgs bundles.
Time: 10:10am-12:00pm, Tuesday, June 16th
Place: Room 29, Quan Zhai, BICMR
Speaker: LI Qiongling, Caltech (US) and Aarhus (Denmark)