Optimal estimate in L^2 extension theorem and applications
Speaker(s): Qi'an Guan (Peking University)
Time: 00:00-00:00 September 11, 2013
Venue: Room 82J04, Jia Yi Bing Building, 82 Jing Chun Yuan, BICMR
Speaker: Qi'an Guan (Peking University)
Venue: 82J04, BICMR
Time: September 11, Wednesday, 10:10am --12:00pm
Abstract: Original form of L^2 extension theorem was proved by Ohsawa and Takegoshi, and then various L^2 extension theorems were widely dicussed (Berndtsson, Demailly, Ohsawa, Siu, etc.) In this talk, we will present some progress on the L^2 extension problem, giving optimal estimates in some L^2 extensions. As applications, we solve some related conjectures. This is joint work with Prof. Xiangyu Zhou.