Smoothing conic metric
Speaker(s): Feng Wang (Peking University)
Time: 00:00-00:00 March 5, 2013
Venue: Room 29,Quan Zhai, BICMR
Title: Smoothing conic metric
Venue: Room 29,Quan Zhai, BICMR
Time: March 5, Tuesday, 10:00am --12:00pm
Speaker: Feng Wang (Peking University)
Abstract: In this talk, I will talk about the contents in chapter 2 of Professor Tian's paper——how to smooth the conic metric by solving Monge-Ampere equation. We will show the existence of the solution using F functional and prove that the Gromov-Hausdorff llimit of these metrics is the orginal conic metric. In the attachment is the PDF of the talk and the lates. Some details will be added, and comments are welcomed.