The Scientific Committee

The Scientific
Committee aims to collect, put forward and determine the academic research
plans and international cooperation projects of BICMR, and evaluate
the effect of academic activities and progress of research plans of BICMR.
Honorary Directors
Steve Smale
(City University of Hong Kong)
Andrew Wiles
(Oxford University)
Gang Tian
(Peking University and Princeton University)
Members: (In order of the surname)
John Ball
(Oxford University)
Jean-Michel Bismut
(University of Paris XI)
Weinan E
(Peking University and Princeton University)
Phillip Griffiths
(Princeton University)
Martin Groetschel
(Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
Lei Guo
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Anmin Li
(Sichuan University)
Jianshu Li
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Andrei Okounkov
(Columbia University)
Shige Peng
(Shandong University)
Tao Tang
(South University of Science and Technology of China)
Efim Zelmanov
(University of California, San Diego)
Weiping Zhang
(Nankai University)