Dimers, Clusters, and Mirrors
发布者: Wenqiong Li
主讲人: Kazushi Ueda (University of Tokyo)
活动时间: 从 2024-03-13 16:00 到 17:00
场地: 线上
Abstract: Dimer models were originally introduced as statistical mechanical models of diatomic molecules in the 1930s, and developed into a substantial field at the intersection of physics and mathematics. In this talk, I will discuss aspects of dimer models related to symplectic topology (Lefschetz fibrations, Fukaya categories, ..) and representation theory (quivers with potentials, Calabi-Yau algebras, ...) with a view toward mirror symmetry.
Zoom: link Meeting ID: 832 5751 3046 Passcode: EHCGP2024