Sobolev Spaces on Metric Spaces, Recent Developments
发布者: Xiaoni Tan
主讲人: Jun Kigami (Kyoto University, Japan)
活动时间: 从 2024-10-17 09:00 到 09:50
场地: Online
Abstract: The classical theory of Sobolev spaces on metric spaces has been developed considerably from 1990’s. The theory is based on the notion of “upper gradient” which is a generalization of the gradient of smooth functions on smooth spaces. However, recent results by Murugan-Kajino showed that this theory does not work for certain self-similar sets like the Sierpinski carpet, higher-dimensional Sierpinski gaskets and the Viscek set. Recently, a new theory covering such metric spaces has emerged. In this talk, we will review this new theory and examples of self-similar sets where this new theory can be applied.
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