Computational Tractability in the Description of Typical Asymptotic Behaviors in Dynamical Systems
主讲人: Cristobal Rojas(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
活动时间: 从 2024-04-12 21:00 到 22:00
场地: 线上
A major goal in dynamical system theory is the classification of systems according to the asymptotic behavior exhibited by a typical trajectory. The quadratic family is an example of a class of systems where the status of this classification in both topological (attractors/repellers) and statistical (physical measures) terms is essentially complete -- there are only a few possible different asymptotic "regimes". A natural question in this context is the possibility of using computers, for instance, to decide which regime a system belongs to, or to accurately describe the invariant objects relevant to a given regime. In this talk we will review the state of the art regarding this question in the case of the real quadratic family.
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