Motivic Local Systems and Motivic Higgs Bundles (3)
主讲人: Yang Jinbang (USTC)
活动时间: 从 2024-01-12 10:00 到 12:00
场地: Room 77201, Jingchunyuan 78, BICMR
Abstract:In algebraic geometry, families of smooth varieties give rise to numerous invariants, among which are the notable Betti-local systems and the Kodaira-Spencer maps—graded Higgs bundles. Direct summands of these local systems and graded Higgs bundles are called motivic. Our understanding of motivic local systems is currently limited, with only a few known cases. Noteworthy examples include the rigid rank-2 local systems and the cohomologically rigid rank-3 local systems. Nevertheless, the broader question of determining motivic conditions for local systems and Higgs bundles in a more comprehensive context remains a challenging and ongoing pursuit in algebraic geometry.
In this short course, we will introduce a p-adic method that addresses the determination of motivicity for specific types of local systems and Higgs bundles. The proof incorporates various important elements, including the theory of Fontaine-Faltings modules, Higgs-de Rham flow, $p$-to-$\ell$ companion, Drinfeld's theory on the Langlands correspondence, Grothendieck-Messing-Kato deformation theory, and a numeric Simpson correspondence established by Hongjie Yu. As a consequence, we obtain infinitely many algebraic solutions to the Painleve VI equation. This short course is based on a joint work with Kang Zuo.