The Mathematical Theory of Interacting Bose Gases
主讲人: Phan Thành Nam (LMU Munich)
活动时间: 从 2021-08-10 16:00 到 2021-08-19 17:00
场地: 线上
We will discuss some recent results on the interacting Bose gases. Starting from first principles, namely from the many-body Schroedinger equation, we will derive various macroscopic behaviors of Bose gases in high-density and low-density regimes. The lectures are divided into four parts: (1) Mean-field approximation and Bose-Einstein condensation; (2) Bogoliubov theory and excitation spectrum; (3) Correction to Bogoliubov theory in the low-density regime; (4) Nonlinear Gibbs measures and Bose gases at high temperature.
Short bio: Phan Thành Nam is a mathematical physicist working on analytical problems from quantum physics. He is particularly interested in the spectral theory of many-body quantum systems, including atoms, molecules and Bose gases. He is currently a professor of mathematics at LMU Munich. He is a winner of EMS prize 2020 of the European Mathematical Society (EMS).
1) August 10, 4-5 pm in Beijing time
2) August 12, 4-5 pm in Beijing time,
3) August 17, 4-5 pm in Beijing time,
4) August 19, 4-5 pm in Beijing time.
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