Moduli Problems from Topological Field Theory
主讲人: Gang Tian, Bohui Chen, Huijun Fan
活动时间: 从 2010-05-10 00:00 到 2010-05-14 00:00
场地: 资源大厦1213
<p>Moduli Problems from Topological Field Theory</p><p>Date & TIme: May 10th-14th (Room 1213)</p><p>Organizers: Gang Tian, Bohui Chen, Huijun Fan</p><p>Abstract: This is a special working seminar on the moduli problems in Symplectic Geometry. The gauge theory on Yang-Mills/Seiberg-Witten models will be reported by Bohui Chen; The Hamiltonian Gromov-Witten theory (by Gang Tian and M. Ignasi) will be reported by M. Ignasi.</p>