An SYZ mirror construction for hypersurfaces in toric varieties
主讲人: Prof. Mohammed Abouzaid (MIT, USA)
活动时间: 从 2009-05-20 00:00 到 00:00
场地: Room 1328 of Resource Plaza, Peking University
Time: 14:00--16:00pm,Wednesday, 5/20, 2009
I will explain how, starting with a hypersurface embedded in a toric variety, one may construct a Landay Ginzburg whose derived category of singularities contains, conjecturally, the Fukaya category of the hypersurface. We will use a blow up construction, and a corrected version of SYZ duality in order to obtain this mirror. This is joint work with D. Auroux and L. Katzarkov.