Quantum 2D Liouville Path-Integral is a Sum over Geometries in Einstein Gravity
发布者: Ruixin Li
主讲人: Ling-Yan Hung (Tsinghua University)
活动时间: 从 2024-04-09 14:00 到 15:00
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全29教室
Abstract: In this talk, we will review how the CFT path-integral can be written as a TQFT state-sum with a non-trivial boundary condition. We demonstrate how this method can be applied also to irrational CFT, notably the Liouville theory. It spits out a 3D state-sum which turns out to be AdS Einstein theory. This produces an explicit quantum measure for sum over geometries that recover the full CFT partition function by construction. We will also discuss its applications in tensor network reconstruction of the bulk and other possible generalisations.