Kontsevich-Type Recursions for Counts of Real Curves
发布者: He Liu
主讲人: Xujia Chen (Stony Brook)
活动时间: 从 2018-12-19 14:00 到 16:00
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全29教室
Kontsevich's recursion, proved by Ruan-Tian in the early 90s, enumerates rational curves in complex surfaces. Welschinger defined invariant signed counts of real rational curves in real surfaces (complex surfaces with a conjugation) in 2003. Solomon interpreted Welschinger's invariants as holomorphic disk counts in 2006 and proposed Kontsevich-type recursions for them in 2007, along with an outline for adapting Ruan-Tian's homotopy style argument to the real setting. For many symplectic fourfolds, these recursions determine all invariants from basic inputs. We establish Solomon's recursions by re-interpreting his disk counts as degrees of relatively oriented pseudocycles from moduli spaces of stable real maps and lifting cobordisms from Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces of stable real curves.