Higher Spin -- CFT Dualities
发布者: He Liu
主讲人: Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH Zurich)
活动时间: 从 2018-01-11 14:00 到 16:00
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全29教室
Dualities between higher spin theories on Anti de Sitter spaces and dual CFTs may allow one to prove at least certain aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence. I shall review a specific duality of this kind, relating a higher spin theory on AdS3 to a family of 2d minimal model CFTs. The relevant 2d CFTs possess a W_\infty symmetry that in turn is intimitely related to the affine Yangian of gl_1. I shall also describe supersymmetric generalisations of this correspondence, and explain how this fits into the framework of the stringy AdS/CFT correspondence.