Dehn Twists and Symplectomorphism Group of the Cotangent Bundle of Flag Varieties
发布者: He Liu
主讲人: Xin Jin (Northwestern University)
活动时间: 从 2017-09-07 10:30 到 11:30
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全9教室
I will start from the notion of Dehn twists in symplectic topology, and review some classical application of Floer theory in showing the nontriviality of iterated Dehn twists in the symplectic mapping class group. Then I will present some results on the relation between symplectomorphism group of the cotangent bundle of flag varieties and the braid group through (fiberwise) Dehn twists. One of the results is a homotopy equivalence between SU(3)-equivariant symplectomorphism group of T^*(SL_3(C)/B) and the braid group of three strands.