Mathematical models of single-nest migration behavior of social insects
发布者: Fei Tao
主讲人: Lisha Wang(BICMR)
活动时间: 从 2023-12-25 15:00 到 16:00
场地: Room 9, Quan Zhai, BICMR
Abstract:Social insects are ecologically and evolutionarily the most successful organisms on earth and can achieve robust collective behaviors through local interactions among group members. Colony migration has been considered as a leading example of collective decision making in social insects. In this talk, we will demonstrate how we develop a piecewise colony migration system with recruitment switching to explore the underlying mechanisms and synergistic effects of colony size and quorum on the outcomes of collective decision. Theoretical analysis combined with numerical simulation results reveals the essential necessity of distinguishing between two distinct recruiters in the modeling process. Finally, an extension to the migratory system of social insects is introduced, featuring a migration model incorporating a Hill function. These findings may provide some insights on how simple and local interactions achieve the collective migrating activity in social insects.