Greatest common divisors near S-units and its applications
主讲人: 肖正(BICMR)
活动时间: 从 2022-12-12 15:00 到 16:30
场地: 线上
The notion of GCD between integers was generalized to algebraic numbers and further to blow-ups along a closed subscheme. In this talk, we will discuss the results of GCD on integers and polynomials by Begeaud-Corvaja-Zannier and Levin. Then followed with the generalization of S-units to almost S-units and discuss some polynomial GCD related conjectural inequalities, especially Vojta's conjecture. This leads to applications to linear recurrences, which is an independent approach from moving target. We recover Grieve-Wang's result and complete it into a full classification under GCD sense.
Tencent/Voov meeting
#meeting number:781-836-359