Topological and geometric aspects of positive scalar curvature (PSC) manifolds
发布者: Yu Feng
主讲人: 朱锦天(北京大学)
活动时间: 从 2021-12-10 10:00 到 11:30
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全29教室
In this talk, I will introduce my previous work on
homotopical 2-systole estimate for PSC manifolds. As a preparation,
I will first review recent progress on classification problem and aspherical conjecture
for PSC manifolds, and then return to the homotopical 2-systole estimate
as a quantitive version of some known topological results. As technical tool,
I will also mention the torical symmetrization method
and the soap bubble approximation method in the proof. The talk is based on the work arXiv:1903.05785 and arXiv:2008.07028.
homotopical 2-systole estimate for PSC manifolds. As a preparation,
I will first review recent progress on classification problem and aspherical conjecture
for PSC manifolds, and then return to the homotopical 2-systole estimate
as a quantitive version of some known topological results. As technical tool,
I will also mention the torical symmetrization method
and the soap bubble approximation method in the proof. The talk is based on the work arXiv:1903.05785 and arXiv:2008.07028.