Introduction to Landau-Ginzburg B model
发布者: Kangkang Deng
主讲人: Xinxing Tang (BICMR)
活动时间: 从 2018-06-21 10:00 到 11:30
场地: Room 29, Quan Zhai, BICMR
First I will introduce the Global Landau-Ginzburg B model at genus 0, which includes the twisted de-Rham cohomology, Gauss-Manin connection and higher residue pairing. Then we can construct the B-model analogues of Givental's symplectic space from these structures. Moreover, we can choose an opposite subspace as the polarization of geometric quantization. The dependence of choice of opposite subspace is controlled by Givental's symplectic loop group quantization. If we choose the complex conjugate opposite subspace, we will get the holomorphic anomaly equations. Finally, I will introduce my own work about the LG B model if time is enough.