The scaling-invariant estimates for nonhomogeneous systems of elliptic type in periodic homogenization theory.
发布者: Yuhua You
主讲人: Qiang Xu (SMS PKU)
活动时间: 从 2017-12-13 10:00 到 11:30
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全29教室
This talk includes two parts. The first one is devoted for a very basic
introduction on the homogenization theory such as weak solutions of
elliptic PDEs and two-scale asymptotic expansions, and we hope to prove
the homogenization theorem for Dirichlet boundary value problems in the
end of this part. In the second one, we plan to investigate some
quantitative results such as convergence rates, uniform regularity
estimates. In particularly, we hanve an interest in scaling-invariant
estimates which is closely related to the decay estimates and the
asymptoic expansions for fundamental solutions. Also, the recent
developments in this field will be involved.