Global Existence For Energy Critical Waves in 3-D Domains
主讲人: 杨建伟 中物院研究生部
活动时间: 从 2010-05-12 00:00 到 2010-05-14 00:00
场地: 资源大厦1328
题目: Global Existence For Energy Critical Waves in 3-D Domains
报告时间: 5月12日下午: 2:00--5:00 (星期三)
报告时间: 5月14日下午: 2:00--5:00 (星期五)
报告人: 中物院研究生部, 杨建伟
文章摘要:In this article ,the authors prove that the defocusing quintic wave equation, with Dirichlet boundaryconditions, is globally well posed on H^1_0 (Omega) × L^2(Omega) for any smooth (compact) domain in R^3. The main ingredient in the proof is an L^5 spectral projector estimate, obtained recently by Smith and Sogge ,combined with a precise study of the boundary value problem.