Riesz Conjugate Function Theorem for Harmonic Quasiconformal Mappings
发布者: He Liu
主讲人: Jinsong Liu(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
活动时间: 从 2024-03-13 10:00 到 10:50
场地: 线上
In this talk we will introduce the Riesz conjugate functions theorem for planarharmonic K-quasiregular mappings (when 1<p≤2) and harmonic K-quasiconformal mappings (when 2<p<∞) in the unit disk. Moreover, if K=1, then our constant coincides with the classical analytic case. For the n-dimensional case (n>2), we also obtain the Riesz conjugate functions theorem for invariant harmonic K-quasiregular mappings when 1<p≤2.This is a joint work with Dr. Jianfeng Zhu.
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