The inverse spectral problem for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator (I)
主讲人: Prof. Zuoqin Wang
活动时间: 从 2015-10-28 00:00 到 2015-10-29 00:00
场地: Room 78201
This week we will invite Prof. Zuoqin Wang from USTC to give us four one-hour lectures on Steklov operator, which is the first leg of series lectures. The following is the title and abstract of lectures. But please note the special time and classroom. Title: The inverse spectral problem for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator (I) Lecture 1: Basic properties and examples of the DtN operator Lecture 2: The DtN operator as a PsDO Lecture 3: Recovering planar disks from DtN zeta invariants Lecture 4: Recovering balls from DtN heat invariants Room 78201, Wednesday (10/28) 2-3pm and 3:10-4:10pm; Thursday (10/29) 9-10am, 10:10-11:10am Contact: