[十周年特别学术报告]Inverse Problems for PDEs: Analysis, Computation, and Applications
主讲人: 包刚教授 (浙江大学)
活动时间: 从 2015-10-19 00:00 到 00:00
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心78号院77201
报告人:包刚教授 (浙江大学)
报告时间: 2015年10月19日下午4点到5点
报告题目:Inverse Problems for PDEs: Analysis, Computation, and Applications
Inverse problems for PDEs arise in diverse areas of industrial and military applications, such as nondestructive testing, seismic imaging, submarine detections, near-field and nano optical imaging, and medical imaging. A model problem in wave propagation is concerned with a plane wave incident on a medium enclosed by a bounded domain. Given the incident field, the direct problem is to determine the scattered field for the known scatterer. The inverse problem is to determine the scatterer from the boundary measurements of near field currents densities. Although this is a classical problem in mathematical physics, mathematical issues and numerical solution of the inverse problems remain to be challenging since the problems are nonlinear, large-scale, and most of all ill-posed! The severe ill-posedness has thus far limited in many ways the scope of inverse problem methods in practical applications. In this talk, the speaker will first introduce inverse problems for PDEs and discuss the state of the arts of the inverse problems. Our recent progress in mathematical analysis and computational studies of the inverse boundary value problems will be reported. Several classes of inverse problems will be studied, including inverse medium problems, inverse source problems, inverse obstacle problems, and inverse waveguide problems. A novel stable continuation approach based on the uncertainty principle will be presented. By using multi-frequency or multi-spatial frequency boundary data, our approach is shown to overcome the ill-posedness for the inverse problems. New stability results and techniques for the inverse problems will be presented. Related topics will be highlighted.
报告时间: 2015年10月19日下午4点到5点
报告题目:Inverse Problems for PDEs: Analysis, Computation, and Applications
Inverse problems for PDEs arise in diverse areas of industrial and military applications, such as nondestructive testing, seismic imaging, submarine detections, near-field and nano optical imaging, and medical imaging. A model problem in wave propagation is concerned with a plane wave incident on a medium enclosed by a bounded domain. Given the incident field, the direct problem is to determine the scattered field for the known scatterer. The inverse problem is to determine the scatterer from the boundary measurements of near field currents densities. Although this is a classical problem in mathematical physics, mathematical issues and numerical solution of the inverse problems remain to be challenging since the problems are nonlinear, large-scale, and most of all ill-posed! The severe ill-posedness has thus far limited in many ways the scope of inverse problem methods in practical applications. In this talk, the speaker will first introduce inverse problems for PDEs and discuss the state of the arts of the inverse problems. Our recent progress in mathematical analysis and computational studies of the inverse boundary value problems will be reported. Several classes of inverse problems will be studied, including inverse medium problems, inverse source problems, inverse obstacle problems, and inverse waveguide problems. A novel stable continuation approach based on the uncertainty principle will be presented. By using multi-frequency or multi-spatial frequency boundary data, our approach is shown to overcome the ill-posedness for the inverse problems. New stability results and techniques for the inverse problems will be presented. Related topics will be highlighted.