On Some Consequences of a Theorem of J. Ludwig
发布者: He Liu
主讲人: Vytautas Paškūnas (University of Duisburg-Essen)
活动时间: 从 2018-03-15 15:00 到 16:30
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,镜春园78号院(怀新园)78301室
In the talk I will recall a construction of Scholze, which should realize the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence in mod p and p-adic settings.
I will use recent results of Judith Ludwig to prove some qualitative results about the p-adic version of this correspondence in the case of GL2(Qp).
I will use recent results of Judith Ludwig to prove some qualitative results about the p-adic version of this correspondence in the case of GL2(Qp).