An Iwasawa theoretic non-vanishing of p-adic heights on CM abelian varieties
主讲人: Ashay Burungale (University of Arizona)
活动时间: 从 2015-11-26 00:00 到 00:00
场地: Quan 9
Time: 2015-11-26 10:00am-12:00am
Let A be a simple CM abelian variety over a CM field E. Let p be an odd prime and P a prime above p in the maximal totally real subfield. Suppose that A has potentially ordinary reduction above p and is self-dual with root number -1. Under mild hypotheses, we discuss our recent result on generic non-vanishing of p-adic heights on A along the anticyclotomic \Z_{p}-extension of E unramified outside P. This provides an evidence for Schneider's conjecture on the non-vanishing of p-adic heights (joint with Daniel Disegni).
Let A be a simple CM abelian variety over a CM field E. Let p be an odd prime and P a prime above p in the maximal totally real subfield. Suppose that A has potentially ordinary reduction above p and is self-dual with root number -1. Under mild hypotheses, we discuss our recent result on generic non-vanishing of p-adic heights on A along the anticyclotomic \Z_{p}-extension of E unramified outside P. This provides an evidence for Schneider's conjecture on the non-vanishing of p-adic heights (joint with Daniel Disegni).