On Combinatorial Calabi Flow in Dimension>=3
主讲人: Huabin, Ge (BICMR)
活动时间: 从 2012-11-07 00:00 到 00:00
场地: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai (全斋), BICMR, Peking University
Title: On Combinatorial Calabi Flow in Dimension>=3
Speaker: Huabin, Ge (BICMR)
Venue: Room 09 at Quan-Zhai (全斋), BICMR, Peking University
Time: Nov 7, 2012, Wednesday, 10:00 - 12:00 a.m.
Abstract: I will introduce the concept of combinatorial Calabi flow in higher dimensions and state some elementary results about this discrete curvature flow.