Gradient estimate for positive solutions of the equation $\Delta_pv +av^{q}=0$ o
发布者: Biao Ma
主讲人: Jie He(Beijing University of Chemical technology)
活动时间: 从 2023-06-17 14:00 到 16:00
场地: 北京国际数学研究中心,全斋全29教室
In this talk, we use the Nash-Moser iteration method to study the local and global behaviors of positive solutions to the nonlinear elliptic equation
$\Delta_pv +av^{q}=0$
defined on a complete Riemannian manifolds $(M,g)$ where $p>1$, $a,\ q$ are constants and $\Delta_p(v)=div(|\nabla v|^{p-2}\nabla v)$ is the $p$-Laplace operator. Under some assumptions on $a$, $p$ and $q$, we derive gradient estimates and Liouville type theorems for such positive solutions.