发布者: Ningbo Lu
主讲人: Xu Yang (University of California, Santa Barbara)
活动时间: 从 2019-08-08 15:00 到 16:00
场地: Room 78301, Jingchunyuan 78, BICMR
Three-dimensional (3-D) elastic wave propagation and seismic tomography is computationally challenging in large scales and high-frequency regime. In this talk, we propose the frozen Gaussian approximation (FGA) to compute the 3-D elastic wave propagation and use it as t he forward modeling tool for seismic tomography with high-frequency data. The accuracy and parallelizability of the FGA algorithm is illustrated by comparing to the spectral element method. With a parallel FGA solver built as a computational platform, we explore various applications in 3-D seismic tomography, including seismic traveltime tomography and full waveform inversion, respectively. Global minimization for seismic tomography is investigated based on particle swarm algorithm. We also apply the FGA algorithm to train deep neural networks to learn the object of low velocity in the interested areas.