PDEs in image study
主讲人: Prof. Meijun Zhu(University of Oklahoma)
活动时间: 从 2010-06-28 00:00 到 00:00
场地: 资源大厦1328教室
<p>报告题目:PDEs in image study</p> <p>报告人:Prof. Meijun Zhu(University of Oklahoma)</p> <p>时间:6月28日(周一) 下午 14:00-15:00</p> <p>地点:资源大厦1328教室</p> <p>Abstract: We first describe how to understand Gaussian filter from heat equation view point, and then describe how one can use curve shortening flow as well as affine curvature flow for image enhancement via level set method. Other deformation methods for imgae enhancement as well as for edge detecting may also be discussed. We also shall discribe some image analysis problems coming from our joint work with meteorologists (on radar images), and biologists (on microarray data analysis).</p> |