Noether’s problem and the unramified Brauer group for groups of order 64
主讲人: Mingchang Kang (National Taiwan University)
活动时间: 从 2009-10-23 00:00 到 00:00
场地: 北京大学资源大厦1328
Title: Noether’s problem and the unramified Brauer group for groups of order 64
Speaker: Mingchang Kang (National Taiwan University)
Time: Oct 23 2:00pm ---3:00pm
Abstract: Let $k$ be a field, $G$ be a finite group. Define $k(G)=k(x_g: g in G)^G.$ Noether’s problem asks whether $k(G)$ is $k-$rational. We will classify all the groups $G$ of order 64 such that $CG$ is $C-$rational. We will also classify those groups $G$ with trivial unramified Brauer groups.